Unity in the City E-Newsletter 08 February 2025
Hello Visitor,
Join us for our Celebration Service this Sunday In Person and Virtually:
Celebration Service: 11:00am
Service with Rev Martine Bernard at Unity in the City (In Person & Zoom) 11/17/2024
Our very own Martine Bernard will be speaking this week! Martine is a longtime practitioner of Unity Principles, as well as a student of Science of Mind. We have enjoyed her beautiful voice, meditations, and moving prayers for years. And since June of 2019, we have been blessed to hear Martine share her wisdom! Now, after years of study - she is both a Science of Mind minister and a Unity minister. That is, Rev Martine!
The service will start at 11 am and will last until about 12:30.
Here's a link to a PDF copy of the program.
For Zoom attendees, I'll get on at 10:45 for a sound check, etc.
We look forward to see the rest of you in person! (Next month, we'll go back to meeting in person on the first Sunday of the month.) Fellowship after the service.
Meeting ID: 827 7034 5221
Passcode: 286310
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,82770345221#,,,,*286310# US
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Dial by your location
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
FOR TITHING, use the PayPal donate button below.
Or mail a check to Kathy Ahern! (If you need her address, please send me an email.)
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow :)
Blessings –
Unity in the City - Board of Trustees
Rolly Rouse, President - rollyrouse-at-yahoo.com
Deb Burton, Vice President - deborahburton258-at-yahoo.com
Bob Awkward, Treasurer - rjawkward-at-verizon.net

Board Pledge:
Recognizing God as our one Infinite Source and Power, we - the servant leaders of Unity in the City - are anchored in the spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, tithing and visioning.
Thank you God, for choosing us and using us and for this opportunity to love and to serve! |